Monday, October 13, 2014

What Is Riot Games Doing?

                 What Is Riot Games Doing at This Point?

What are these skins? 

                        Some of these skins including Headhunter Caitlyn, the Debonair skins, and the Championship Shyvana skins. Another thing to point out is that last years Championship Thresh, is back on sale, so those weak brained people that bought the skin during worlds last year, even he ones that spent the money on the account with the skin on it. Those people don't even feel special, and the ones that spent the ridiculous amounts of money for the skin how now been ripped off and are probably not in the best of moods. And Headhunter Caitlyn just seemed like a waist of time and money for the company. Dunkmaster Darius is a recovery cause I know every is going to hop on that skin. We also haven't got our Ultimate Skin the year of 2014. As of right now that is, Riot we need better skins than this. Especially the Championship Shyvana Skin.
                       All the skins am I talking about are below.

                     Championship Shyvana

                    This is the new championship skin that will be coming out in the near future of the day this is written. Every year Riot, since season 2, has released a skin of a champion that has got a lot of love that year. Shyvana though, not that great of a decision in my opinion.

                     Championship Thresh

                     This championship skin was the season 3 skin and a well deserving skin at that. Unlike shyvana. I'm still pretty sad about that.

                     Headhunter Caitlyn

                 Headhunter caitlyn just looks like some riot employees were working overtime, got bored and made this over night.

                     Dunk Master Darius

                  This skin is so hyped  up, ever since they pushed it onto the PBE servers. Every has this skin in action and can't wait to get their hands on this skin.

Disclaimer: Every opinion on this post was just to make have a little pity over me. I think Riot is doing a great job at releasing skins at a perfect rate, quality, and price.

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